• Console commands:
Currently there is no "real" command system like gmod's ConVars.
It would be great to have a built-in command registration feature that let anyone add any commands to their script without using the
events, like:
This function could take those arguments:
  • [1] Command name
  • [2] Callback function, which would have as params the arguments passed after the command (separated by spaces in the command)
  • [3] Optionnal command description
This way the game could keep track of all the commands, and display the complete list when the "help" command is sent to the console.
Another upside of this system would be some utility functions that return the table of registered commands, which would be useful if you want to make a custom help interface for example.
  • Autocomplete:
For ease of use, an autocompleter would be great to suggest registered commands that match the current text entry
  • Console variables:
Kinda related to console commands, this could be really usefull in some cases, here's a good exemple: