Steam Workshop support
Ability to publish packages and assets packs to steam workshop
Make servers able to bind a workshop collection to their server in their Config.toml file, making the server download/update all the content of the collection on startup
Ideally this would also limit the traffic on the vault servers to the "others" resources downloads (paid resources maybe?)
I do not approve for my part, Steam puts too many rules and it is possible that Steam does not allow the content to be uploaded from outside or to compete with Garrymod or SandBox... He has already done the trick at facepuch when he have interfered with the workshop content or imposed stupid rules
Hey I agree with that now.
I thought about it and I realized that having the Vault only will be the first major issue that cannot be fixed easily if the player count grows (release).
The Vault will never be able to host all ressources while being stable at this point.
I think that steam workshop should be used for a big majority of the packages and assets.
I think the Vault has to host only high quality packages and asset packs and also the official ones plus the paid packages and asset packs because I believe that it will be the first thing players will look into for mods (on the main menu).
To add to this idea, it think with the Steamworks API (ISteamUGC Interface), the steam workshop could be used as a standalone file hoster for nanos vault, so the file could be only uploaded through the nanos store and then will be uploaded to the workshop by nanos. (So steam workshop could be also used as a miror from vault).
Also before implementing the workshop system, it will be nescessary to check if this system can be compatible if nanos world is released in other platform such as xbox pc game pass, ...
For the collection system, you can see the rest of my idea here :
Im 100% agree we should keep vault for paid ressource only and use workshop for all the other stuff