Hi, I've encountered an issue with the Attack event in the Melee class. Here's the situation: 1- The Attack event only triggers if at least one animation is defined using AddAnimationCharacterUse. If no animation is added via this method, the Attack event does not fire, even if the Melee instance is correctly configured and inherited. 2- For implementing sequential combos (non-random), I rely on the Attack event to manually control the order of animations, with Character::PlayAnimation. However, AddAnimationCharacterUse inherently randomizes animations, making it unsuitable for ordered combos. As a workaround, I currently call AddAnimationCharacterUse("") with an empty string just to ensure the Attack event works, but this feels like an unintended requirement. 3- My question is: Is this dependency between AddAnimationCharacterUse and the Attack event intentional? It seems counterintuitive to require an animation to be set for the Attack event to function, especially when the randomness of AddAnimationCharacterUse conflicts with the need for precise control in sequential combos. Is there a way to set up sequential combos without relying on AddAnimationCharacterUse? It feels like an unnecessary step to require this method when it’s not needed for the functionality I’m trying to achieve. Looking forward to your clarification. Penny.